The reddleman lived like a gipsy; but gipsies he scorned.
" How I wish 'twas only a gipsy! " he murmured.
The gipsy seemed to know a lot about Thornfield.
'What! The gipsy, who worked on the farm? ' he cried.
These gipsies held in a pen are filmed by a German.
'Oh, I'll go, 'I said gladly. I was curious to see the gipsy.
Only a few inches of mud wall kept him and his family from being gipsies themselves.
" What! the gipsy--the ploughboy? " he cried. " Why did you not say so to Catherine? "
'Excuse me, miss, 'he said to me.'The gipsy says there's another young single lady in the room.
His hair and skin are dark, like a gipsy's, but he has the manners of a gentleman.
" Yes, sir. He told me that a gipsy had done it for him when he was a lad."
I remember now, he's the gipsy child Mr Earnshaw brought ho me from Liverpool a few years ago.
Next, three young ladies went in together, and came back full of praise for the gipsy's skill.
" He looks more of a gipsy than ever, " said one, after a pause.
" You did not act the character of a gipsy with me" .
The gipsy glanced round at Gemma with a half defiant air and bowed stiffly.
She's a Hungarian gipsy, or something of that kind, so Riccardo says; from some provincial theatre in Galicia.
她是匈牙利吉普赛人,或者类似人,Riccardo 说;来自加利西亚一些省级剧院。
" Has she gone away with a gipsy camp, or merely to live with your son" ?
The gipsy flung down her violets.
And now this gipsy girl, whom he had picked up by the wayside—even she had the whip in her hand.