The first of these glacial periods is often called the Huronian glaciation because it is well exposed in rocks just north of Lake Huron in southern Canada.
Glacial periods over the past 6 million years promoted the selection of a set of genes responsible for the metabolism and neurohormonal regulation in cold conditions.
Somehow, Gigantopithecus managed to survive the first few of these glacial periods, but 100 thousand years ago, in the Middle Pleistocene, something changed.
Perhaps more than a mile in average depth has the range been thus degraded during the last glacial period, -a quantity of mechanical work almost inconceivably great.
When the most recent glacial period ended around 11,700 years ago, things got warmer and drier, and the swamps and lakes that Castoroides depended on became more scarce.
As an example, I have attempted to show how potent has been the influence of the Glacial period on the distribution of the same and of allied species throughout the world.
It is hard without long and loving study to realize the magnitude of the work done on these mountains during the last glacial period by glaciers, which are only streams of closely compacted snow-crystals.
How long the various species of wild bees have lived in this honey-garden, nobody knows; probably ever since the main body of the present flora gained possession of the land, toward the close of the glacial period.
At the close of the last glacial period, the middle and foot-hill regions also abounded in lakes, all of which have long since vanished as completely as the magnificent ancient glaciers that brought them into existence.