'Go as a skivvy,' Joe interpolated laconically.
And when (indistinct) says that these models are only interpolating between what they saw and what other people are doing, well, if you give them all the latent dimensions that can be extracted from the internet, what's missing?
当(含糊地)说这些模型只是在他们所看到的其他人正在做的事情之间进行插值时,好吧, 如果你给他们所有可以从互联网上提取的潜在维度,那么缺少了什么?
She fluttered away, chattering volubly to a bull-necked man with a heavy jaw and a coat glittering with orders; and her plaintive dirges for " notre malheureuse patrie, " interpolated with " charmant" and " mon prince, " died away along the terrace.
她扑腾着飞走了,对着一个粗脖子、下巴沉重、外套上闪闪发光的命令的男人喋喋不休。她用“charmant”“mon prince”插入的“notre malheureuse patrie”的哀伤挽歌沿着露台消失了。