6.Today, lexicographers have expanded word sourcing to include the dictionary's users: tracking which words are most searched, and adding them to the dictionary.
7." Deinfluencing" is defined by Collins lexicographers as " the use of social media to warn followers to avoid certain commercial products, lifestyle choices, etc" .
8.As virtually all modern lexicographers acknowledge, dictionaries are there to register actual usage, not to tell the mass of people that they are deploying a word incorrectly.
9.Ms Ogilvie, a former lexicographer who served as an editor for the OED, went into the archives of Oxford University Press and stumbled across an old notebook.
10.In the late 19th Century, the Scottish lexicographer James Murray was given the job of compiling a " New English Dictionary on Historical Principles" .
11.It does me no good as a lexicographer to enter irregardless into the dictionary if I don't tell you that when you use it, people are going to think you're a moron.
12.These are the sort of changes that keep lexicographers busy updating their dictionaries so that they reflect how language is really being used by people, rather than instruct on how language should be used.