6.Cartilage from the tragus, perichondrium from the tragus or concha, and fat from the lobule are frequently used for reconstructive surgery of the middle ear.
7.This double delivery fills the liver with nutrients, that it then sorts, processes and stores with the help of thousands of tiny internal processing plants, known as lobules.
8.The second type is called lobular carcinoma in-situ, or LCIS, and that's where clusters of tumor cells grow within the lobules, without invading the ducts, causing the affected alveoli to enlarge.
9.Breast cancer usually begins as an in-situ carcinoma, which can either be ductal carcinoma in-situ, or DCIS, which is localized to the ducts, or lobular carcinoma in-situ, or LCIS, which is localized within the lobules.
10.Once a cancer-causing mutation does occur, the affected cell, which is most commonly an epithelial cell that lines the ducts or the lobules, begins to grow and replicate out of control, forming a tumor.