Still, regardless of how fleeting the benefits, the management machismo keeps spreading, as companies clamor to train their employees in ways that don't involve a Zoom screen.
But the jewel in the crown of teenage machismo would be daring to venture into the local abandoned dirt mall, and take pictures to prove their courage.
My desire is for them to understand that being a man is not some machismo caricature, and that characteristics usually defined as weaknesses are parts of the whole healthy man.
Mexico still has the famously intense " machismo" or male chauvinism, expressed in its most extreme form in a high rate of femicides, but also in hundreds of more subtle ways daily.
But every time I got one of these roles, I was surprised, because most of the men I play ooze machismo, charisma and power, and when I look in the mirror, that's just not how I see myself.