Towering snowcapped peaks rise majestically.
Sir Leicester is majestically wroth.
This thing it glided gracefully and majestically through the clouds.
Somewhat taken aback, but still majestically, " Then show it, " said the Director.
Emma disappeared, then came back quickly, and majestically handed her a thick piece of paper.
The tall tower stands majestically in the city .
A great deal of extinction, Flannery and Schouten discovered, hasn't been cruel or wanton, but just kind of majestically foolish.
'I meant no harm, young man, ' observed Mr. Bumble, majestically.
“我没有恶意, 年轻人,” 邦布尔先生威严地说道。
The Great Wall majestically stands as a symbol of strength.
6. 长城雄伟地矗立着,是力量象征。
And she went slowly and majestically out of the room.
The bridge rose majestically into the air.
So, the falcon soared majestically, I would have to say this is a clause.
" I order you to do so, " the king answered him, and majestically gathered in a fold of his ermine mantle.
Meantime, Mr. Brocklehurst, standing on the hearth with his hands behind his back, majestically surveyed the whole school.
The Golden Gate Bridge sits majestically over the mouth of the bay, and invites millions of visitors to the city each year.
The lion still stood looking majestically and coolly toward this object that his eyes only showed in silhouette, bulking like some super-rhino.
QUEST (voice-over): As I sit down with the park's chief ranger, Pete Webster, the elk raising majestically nearby.
任务(画外音):当我与公园首席护林员皮特·韦伯斯特 (Pete Webster) 坐在一起时,麋鹿在附近威严地升起。
" I heard her say the same thing myself, " said Lady Chettam, majestically, as if this were royal evidence.
At about 11,000 feet, Mount Etna, Europe's biggest volcano, towers majestically above the villages and farmland of the east coast.
欧洲最大火山埃特纳火山 (Mount Etna) 海拔约 11,000 英尺,巍然耸立在东海岸村庄和农田之上。
" Very good, mademoiselle, " said she majestically, as though to preserve her authority; " we will write to you" .
“很好,小姐,”她威严地说,好像要保持她权威似。 “我们会写信给你”。
At the finish, if the real business of the day had been completed, she could have swept majestically from the house.
最后,如果当天真正事情已经完成, 她本可以威风凛凛地离开房子。
" An ideal location! " he replied. " A perfect place! And I will tell you why it's a perfect place, " he continued, majestically.