14." So silly, " the sharp-faced woman next to Hallorann remarked, putting a matchbook cover into her book and shutting it as the plane began to descend.
16.She had been strangled just hours before she was found, but the only evidence of where she came from was a matchbook from a Holiday Inn hotel in Henrietta, OK.
17.And about 350 feet away, a distance slightly longer than a football field, there was a bloody matchbook with some kind of hand or fingerprint visible through the blood.
18.She had been strangled just hours before she was found, but the only evidence of where she came from was a matchbook from a Holiday Inn hotel in Henrietta, OK. This led authorities to conclude that she was a hitchhiker.
19.Tests would soon show two types of blood at the crime scene — type O, which matched Shelli, and type A, which was found at several spots, including a trace amount on the matchbook, 350 feet from Shelli's apartment.
测试很快会在犯罪现场显示两种类型血液——O 型,与 Shelli 匹配, A 型,在几地方发现,包括火柴盒上痕量,距离 Shelli 公寓 350 英尺。机翻