He was mouthing off about the high price of fish.
When you can top that, you can mouth off.
She's used to me mouthing off.
He made the mistake of mouthing off to one of my neighbors who's an ex-green beret.
那是他的错 对我的一个邻居说粗话我那邻居以前可是队的。
Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead.
Don't shoot from the hip, shoot my mouth off.
470.Actually, honey, you did kinda shoot your mouth off.
确实 亲爱的 似乎是信口开河的。
Shooting my mouth off just to keep things lively.
You should have heard Pete mouthing off at Joe.
Don’t go shooting your mouth off.
Morris was mouthing off about his former team.
You say: " You're shooting your mouth off." All right?
” 说:“在胡说八道。 ” 好的?
Oh, here's one I love: " shoot your mouth off" .
You wanna keep any of that cheap dyed hair you better stop mouthing off to me.
Lippy, so when you're lippy it means you're mouthing off to someone and giving them a little bit of a hard time.
Lippy,当说" you're lippy" 时意思就是" 与某人说话,会让对方感觉不舒服。"
So my sandwich needs about another minute, just so I don't burn my mouth off when I take a bite.
Acosta was known for mouthing off and it may have been that he mouthed off to the wrong people on the trip.
So before you go mouthing off about him not caring about you, - You think about that. - Wait a minute.
所以在四处抱怨他对漠不关心之前,-该想想他为付出了多少 -等等。
And maybe the best thing is not for me to just shoot my mouth off online because some headline made me angry.
The parents might even tell the child to " stop mouthing off." But enough of all this talk.I have been running my mouth long enough.
她的父母可能会让她stop mouthing off(不要顶嘴)。这个节目说的够多了。我已经running my mouth long enough(喋喋不休)了。
Some people in solitary aren't even sure they exist, so they'll mouth off to a corrections officer and end up getting shackled or beaten.
有些被单独关押的人甚至不确定自己的存在,所以他们会向管教人员倾诉, 最后被铐上脚铐或被殴打。