17.A woman was punched unconscious by two muggers in a street this afternoon. None of the hundreds of on-lookers tried to prevent it or call the police.
18.As with other developing countries, crime rates are high, and visitors will be encouraged to keep their wits about them so as to avoid falling victim to pickpockets or muggers.
19.She was wearing her good anorak, her handbag slung satchel-style over her shoulder ('Harder for muggers to snatch it') and her hair styled into soft waves around her neck.
她穿着漂亮的风衣,手提包斜挎在肩上(“抢劫犯更难抢走它” ),脖子上的头发梳成柔软的波浪形。机翻
「你转身之后 | After You (Me Before You #2) 」评价该例句:好评差评指正
20.Exactly why SM can stare down an armed mugger without shaking, but becomes terrified of suffocation can only be speculated as the case continues to be a bit of a mystery.
究竟为什么 SM 可以毫动摇地盯着武装抢劫犯,却害怕窒息, 这只能推测, 因为案件仍然有点神秘。机翻