1.The main byproduct was cocoa butter, which Cadbury began selling as eating chocolates, chocolate-covered nougats, bonbons, caramels, and more.
2.Della, the pastry chef at Spago, makes some amazing nougat.
Spago 的糕点师 Della 制作了一些很棒的牛轧糖。机翻
3.Just nougat? It is top three for me.
是牛轧糖 它是我的首选前三。
4.No one likes 3 Musketeers. - Yeah, it's just nougat.
没人喜欢三剑客 -对 是牛轧糖。
5.A bond? Just because he likes nougat?
也不是坏的 -我跟他有感情了?
6.Seriously, I can just eat a whole bowl of nougat. Straight up.
真的 我能吃完一碗牛轧糖 整整一碗。
7.Um, that is because my doctor says that I have a very serious … nougat … deficiency.
罗斯:嗯,那是因为我的医生说我患有非常严重的… … 牛轧糖… … 缺乏症。机翻
8.If you were to put kind of like glace cherries and almonds in this, it would end up like a frozen nougat dessert.
如果加入一点樱桃杏仁 看像冻果仁甜点。
9.And while syrupy layers of baklava are commonplace outside the Middle East, the sticky squares of gaz, a nougat made in Isfahan, are not.
10.I used to live in South of France, near Montelimar, which is the capital of nougat, and I still remember it, and the way Della makes it, it is just as good.
我以前住在法国南部, 靠近牛轧糖的首都蒙特利马尔,我仍然记得它, 而且 Della 制作它的方式也一样好。机翻