| 划词

1.In meson-exchange model description of nuclear force, themost important one is the pseudoscalar meson pions, which provide the longest range force between to nucleons.




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Crash Course 综合篇

1.Collectively, by the way, these particles are known as nucleons.

顺便说一下, 这些子统称为核子机翻

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Crash Course 综合篇

2.Because of this, we’ll often refer the two particles collectively as nucleons.


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Crash Course Physics 物理

3.Because of this, we'll often refer the two particles collectively as nucleons.


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Crash Course Physics 物理

4.But even though those numbers of nucleons add up, remember: Mass and energy are equivalent.


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科学60秒-科学美国人 2021年4月合集

5.Topics that people use muons for range from fundamental constants of nature, basic symmetries, weak nucleon and nuclear interactions.

人们使用 μ 子的主题范围从自然的基本常数、基本对称性、弱核子和核相互作用。机翻

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Crash Course Physics 物理

6.Now, a unique part of beta decay is that no nucleons are emitted during the decay process.


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化学 Crash Course

7.The mass number is just the total number of nucleons in the nucleus, which is different from atomic mass.

质量数只是原子核中核子的总数, 它不同于原子质量。机翻

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Crash Course 综合篇

8.But while the total binding energy still increases for nuclei larger than iron, the binding energy per nucleon, in fact, decreases.


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Crash Course 综合篇

9.While the strong force acts on nucleons, the weak force alters quarks, the fundamental particles that make up both protons and neutrons.


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化学 Crash Course

10.Now, to dislodge one of those nucleons and unleash that energy there are two general types of nuclear reactions: fission and fusion.

现在,驱逐其中一核子并释放能量, 有种一般类型的核反应:裂变和聚变。机翻

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化学 Crash Course

11.That energy is what we mean when we talk about nuclear energy, the binding energy that's released when a nucleon is removed from its nucleus.


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化学 Crash Course

12.Specifically the mass of the nucleus, exactly 15.99 atomic mass units, is lower than the mass of its individual nucleons put together, in this case 16.13 amu's.

具体来说,原子核的质量恰好是 15. 99 原子质量单位,低于其单核子的质量总和, 在本例中为 16. 13 amu。机翻

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Crash Course 综合篇

13.This decay occurs because the parent nucleus is too large, and the strong force is no longer sufficient to hold all the nucleons together.


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Crash Course 综合篇

14.The amount of energy required to break up a nucleus into its component particles gets larger as the atomic number increases, with iron having one of the highest binding energies per nucleon.


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