The award for the oratorical contest was made by a jury of nine professors.
Then Slackbridge, who had kept his oratorical arm extended during the going out, as if he were repressing with infinite solicitude and by a wonderful moral power the vehement passions of the multitude, applied himself to raising their spirits.
With singular skill and oratorical power, Bright managed at the outset, in his opening paragraph, to insult or outrage every class of Englishman commonly considered respectable, and, for fear of any escaping, he insulted them repeatedly under consecutive heads.
凭借非凡的技巧和雄辩的力量, 布赖特在开场白一开始就设法侮辱或激怒了通常被认为受人尊敬的每一类英国人, 而且由于害怕有人逃脱, 他在连续的头目下反复侮辱他们。