If the LHC does find the Higgs, which the latest results suggest it might, its media-shy originator will certainly be summoned to the Nobel ceremony in Stockholm.
Harry had escaped from the same attack with nothing more than a scar on his forehead, when Voldemort's curse, instead of killing him, had rebounded upon its originator.
Harry had escaped from the same attack with nothing more than a scar on his forehead, where Voldemort's curse, instead of killing him, had rebounded upon its originator.
The second way to think about disruptive innovation comes from the originator of the idea, who was Clayton Christensen, a professor at Harvard Business School for a long time.
It's originators certainly imagined that it would bring to an end the sort of unhappy relationships that resulted from the old ways of finding a partner; the arranged marriage!
Since Fannie and Freddie take on credit risk themselves, they charge mortgage originators points, as in percentage points, which vary with a borrower's credit score and the loan-to-value ratio on a property.
Among the signatories of the warning was Bob Johnson, the originator of the " ecological footprint" concept, which measures the total amount of environmental input needed to maintain a given lifestyle.