Geraldine ostentatiously consulted his pocket-book, and replied in the affirmative.
The philosopher dies sententiously — the pharisee ostentatiously — the simple-hearted humbly — the poor idiot blindly, as the sparrow falls to the ground; the philosopher and idiot, publican and pharisee, all eat after the same fashion — given an equally good digestion.
哲学家死得有理有据——法利赛人死得很浮夸——头脑简单的人死得谦虚——可怜的白痴盲目地死去, 就像麻雀掉在地上一样; 哲学家和白痴, 税吏和法利赛人, 都以同样的方式进食——前提是消化得同样好。