6.Some thirty pictures by the masters, uniformly framed and separated by gleaming panoplies of arms, adorned walls on which were stretched tapestries of austere design.
7.In the 1970s the baseball analyst Bill James pioneered an empirical approach to the sport, developing a panoply of novel ways to quantify performance.
8.His figured panoply of death looked more like a disguise assumed in mockery than a fierce annunciation of a desire to carry destruction in his footsteps.
9.And yet unless the full panoply of our emotions is regularly identified and adequately 'felt', we are likely to fall prey to a range of psychological ills: anxiety, paranoia, depression and worse.
10.For that very reason Virginia Woolf warned women in the 30s not to be tempted by the panoply of power and the trappings of national honour – which would suck them into war.
11.Quicker than the thoughts could follow those unexpected and audacious movements, an image, armed in the emblematic panoply of death, glided before their eyes, and assumed a threatening attitude at the other's side.
12.They don't cough or feel short of breath, and they don't get the strange panoply of other symptoms that can herald a COVID-19 infection like frostbite-like bumps on the skin, diarrhea, or the loss of smell or taste.
13.This bright panoply was not meant for mere idle show, but had been worn by the Governor on many a solemn muster and training field, and had glittered, moreover, at the head of a regiment in the Pequod war.