Success belongs to the persevering.
He is a persevering student.
David attributed his company's success to the unity of all the staff and their persevering hard work.
What is the key to persevering through tough times?
Campaigns and adverts on the dangers of smoking and drinking have been persevering.
So thank you for doing them and for persevering.
To this fact may be attributed the persevering interest he has taken in my behalf.
And that goes along with persevering and not giving up and having a positive attitude.
Since the process is quite tough, you need to be diligent, patient and persevering.
But because of the clerk's persevering fight, the police found out the truth.
Setbacks are inevitable, and it's our mindset to keep persevering that matters.
挫折在所难免, 最重要的是坚持不懈的心态。
They had succeeded, as a matter of fact, after putting in complicated and persevering days at it.
They work deeply in vision, courage and action, persevering and believing in themselves when no one else does.
他们在远见、勇气和行动方面深入工作, 坚持不懈,并在没有其他人做的时候相信自己。
Greater things than the Doctor had at that time to contend with, would have yielded before his persevering purpose.
She spent more than a decade persevering and advocating on the behalf of those whose stories are marginalized, or not told at all.
" Let me hope that you will rescind that resolution about the horse, Miss Brooke, " said the persevering admirer.
“我希望你能撤销关于这匹马的决定, 布鲁克小姐, ” 这位坚定的仰慕者说。
Then he had met wills stronger than his own, and, after persevering to the last possible instant, had been beaten.
然后他遇到比自己更强大的意志, 在坚持到最后一刻之后, 被打败。
The supply and enjoyment this brings is unspeakable… . This surely is a reward for persevering in prayer. (Life-study of Colossians, pp. 581-582)
… … 这的确是坚定持续祷告的赏赐(歌罗西书生命读经,七二二至七二三页)。
Chingachgook and Uncas profited by the interval to regain their wind, though Duncan continued to work with the most persevering industry.
Chingachgook 和 Uncas 从中场休息中获利, 重新夺回风向, 尽管 Duncan 继续与最坚持不懈的行业合作。
" I did not think of comparing you: such power of persevering devoted labor as Mr. Casaubon's is not common" .
“我没有想过要和你作比较:像卡苏朋先生这样坚持不懈地投入劳动的力量并不常见” 。
And ah, he made a lot of money, but never came and said hello to me, but that didn't... that didn't stop me from persevering.
If you are unwilling to even try, how then will you get to the stage of failing and persevering to actually become successful?
如果你连尝试都不愿意, 你怎会走到失败的地步, 坚持下来,才能真正成功呢?
Moreover, it can be read from the picture that many people, especially the young, will be the most typical beneficiaries of persevering interest.