Granted, a preponderance of Germans is a characteristic that seems common to most Mediterranean sites; but as yet there is no overwhelmingly specialized patronage.
It is statistically shown - great preponderance of serious accidents and deaths for mountaineers come when they're going down, not when they're climbing up.
Granted, a preponderance of Germans is a characteristic that seems common to most Mediterranean sites, but as yet there is no overwhelmingly specialized patronage.
Although most of these claims are not supported by scientific evidence, the preponderance of written material advancing such claims makes it difficult for the general public to separate fact from fiction.
By an understanding with the presiding justice their case was to be transferred to the session of the District Court, where the preponderance of peasants on the jury would insure their conviction.
This week we delve into the first decades of the 17th century to consider the preponderance of Dutch and Flemish still life paintings that showcase a dazzling array of delicacies and treasures from around the world.