| 划词

Any of various game birds in the family Tetraonidae (order Galliformes), including the prairie chicken and ptarmigan, or the sandgrouse (order Columbiformes).



Most of the birds that have ent the brief summer on the tundra now disa ear, leaving only the golden eagle, the gyrfalcon, the ptarmigan, and the owy owl to brave the sunle northern winter.




honesttoGod, honest-to-goodness, honesty, honewort, honey, honey bear, honey locust, honeybee, honeybun, honeybunch, honeycomb, honeycomb tripe, honeycombed, honeycombing, honeycombs, honeycreeper, honeydew, honeydew melon, honeyeater, honeyed, honeyed words, honeyfogle, honeyfuggle, honey-gold, honey-leaf, honeylipped, honeymoon, honeymouthed, honey-stomach, honeystone, honeysuckle, honeysweet, honey-tongued, hong, hong kong, Hong Kong Dollar, hongguanggenin, hongi, HongKong, hongqing, hongshiite, Honiara, honied, honier, honies, honiest, honing, honk, honker, honkers, honkey, honkie, honking, honky, honky-tonk, honokiol, Honolulan, Honolulu, honor, honor guard, honor system, Honora, honorable, honorable mention, honorably, honorand, honoraria, honorarium, honorary, honorary degree, Honore de Balzac, honored, honoree, Honoria, honorific, honors, honour, honourable, honourably, honours, honours degree, Honshu, honzon, hoo, hooch, hoochie, hood, hood latch, hood mould, hooded, hooder, hoodette, hoodie, hoodle, hoodlum, hoodman, hoodman-blind, hoodmold, hoodoo, hoodoos, hoodwink, hoodwinker, hoody, hooey, hoof, hoofbeat, hoofbound, hoofed, hoofer, hoofiness, hooflet, hoofpad, hoofpick, hoof-pick, hoofprint, hoogaars, hoogeveld, hoo-ha, hooibergite, hook, Hook of Holland, hook shot, hook spanner, hook up, hooka, hookah, hooke, hooked, hooker, Hookeriales, hookey, hooking, hookish, hooklet, hooknose, hook-nosed, hook-on, hooks, hookshop, hookup, hook-up, hookworm, hookwrench, hooky, hooligan, hoolivan, hooly, hoop, hoop pine, hoop skirt, hooper, hooping, hoopiron, hoopla, hoop-la, hoopman, hoopoe, hooppoe, hoopskirt, hoopster, hooray, hoosegow, hoosgow, hoosh, Hoosier, Hoosier State, Hoosiers, hoot, hootananny, hootch, hootchykootchy, hoot-collector, hootenanny, hooter, hooting, hootnanny, Hooton, hoots, hoove, Hoover, Hoover Dam, Hooverize, Hoovers, Hooverville, hooves, hop, hopance, hopane, hoparon, hopbind, hopbine, hopcalite, Hopcide, hope, hope chest, hopeful, hopefully, hopefuls, Hopei, hopeite, hopeless, hopelessly, hopely, Hoperstad Stavechurch, hopes, Hopewell, hopfnerite, hophead, hophornbeam, Hopi, hoping, Hopkins, Hopkinson, hoplite, hoplivac, Hoplonemertini, hop-o'-my-thumb, HOPP, hopper, hopper-cooled, hopperdozer, hopperfeed, hoppergrass, hopperman, hopper-on-rails, hoppers, hoppertube, hoppet, hop-picker, hopping, hoppingite, hoppingly, hoppit, hopple, hop-pocket, hopred, hops, hopsack, hopsacking, hopscotch, Hopside, hoptoad, hoptoglobin, hopvine, Hoquizil, hora, Horace, horadiam, Horae, horah, horal, horary, horas, Horatia, Horatian, Horatii, Horatio, Horatio Alger, Horatius, horbachite, hordatine, horde, hordein, hordenine, hordeolum, hordes, Hordeum, hordeum vulgare, hordorine, Horeb, horehound, horeshead, hori, horicycle, horigraph, horismascope, horismology, Horiz, horizocardia, horizon, horizon lines, horizonation, horizonless, horizontal, horizontal bar, horizontal combination, horizontal integration, horizontal section, horizontal surface, horizontalabscissa, horizontality, horizontalization, horizontallimb, horizontal-line-transfer, horizontally, horizontalmotor, Horlimone, hormannsite, horme, hormesis, hormic, hormion, hormites, hormocyst, Hormodendrum, hormodin, Hormogonales, hormogonium, hormonagoga, hormonagogue, hormonal, hormone, hormone replacement therapy, hormonelike, hormonemimic, hormoner, hormones, hormonic, hormonization, hormonogenesis, hormonogenic, hormonoid, hormonology, hormonopoiesis, hormonopoietic, hormonoprivia, hormonosis, hormonotherapy, hormopoiesis, hormopoietic, hormospore, hormothyrin, Hormuz, horn, horn of plenty, hornbar, hornbeam, hornberg, hornbill, hornblende, hornblendite, hornblowing, hornbook, Hornby, horn-cyclide, horned, horned toad, hornedness, horner, hornesite, hornessite, hornet, hornets, Horney, hornfels, hornfish, hornful, horn-gate, hornification, horniness, horning, hornist, hornito, horn-lens, hornless, hornlessness, hornmad, hornpipe, hornpout, hornpox, horn-rimmed, horns, Hornsey, hornskin, hornstone, hornswoggle, horntail, hornwork, hornworm, hornwort, horny, horny layer, horny-handed, hornyhead, horobetsuite, horocycle, horography, horoligy, horologe, horologer, horologic, horological, horologist, horologium, horology, horometer, horopter, horopter-curve, horopteric, horoscope, horoscopic, horoscopical, horoscopy, horosphere, horotelic, horotely, horra, horrendous, horrent, horrible,


3G, 401(K), a,



He could take a ptarmigan from its nest, kill a rabbit as it slept, and snap in mid air the little chipmunks fleeing a second too late for the trees.

他可以石鸡从窝里捉出, 觉的野杀死, 连跑慢一步都会在逃上大树之前被他半空中咬住。



horse-radish, horseradish peroxidase, horseradish sauce, horserake, horse-rake, horses, horseshit, horseshoe, horseshoe crab, horse-shoeing,


3G, 401(K), a,
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