Britain made a spectacular entry into this financial purgatory in late September by unveiling plans for huge, unfunded tax cuts, sending the value of sterling crashing.
The common man would be drawn in low and then, in a sort of audio purgatory, be purified by BBC programming until he achieved the blessed state of voluntarily enjoying Buxtehude.
By the end of the 12th century, they had become holy days of obligation across Europe and involved such traditions as ringing church bells for the souls in purgatory.
Notably, its exploration of the five stages of grief, Buddhist teachings, and many Catholics view Phil's time loop as purgatory and that he can only be freed by embracing selflessness.
Last midsummer I received a circular from a typewriting person, soliciting my custom; some one who had somehow got hold of my name, and fancied me to be still in purgatory.
The monolith is a literal blank screen, on whose shimmering surface we can etch our terrors, longings, fantasies, crackpot theories, gallows humor and other dreams and nightmares incubated in the anxious purgatory of 2020.