CT measurements, measurements on a posteroanterior thorax radiograph, and 15-degree up-tilted anteroposterior panorama radiograph of the shoulder girdle showed comparable repeatability.
Diagnosis is usually made based on symptoms, and looking for areas of discoloration or roughness, tenderness or inflammation in the mouth, as well as using dental radiographs.
Diagnosis can be confirmed via radiograph, looking for the characteristic Rigler's triad: pneumobilia, or air in the bile ducts, evidence of a small bowel obstruction, and a gallstone outside the gallbladder.
However, a second chest radiograph from the night of hospital day 5 (illness day 9) showed evidence of pneumonia in the lower lobe of the left lung (Figure 4).
On hospital day 6 (illness day 10), a fourth chest radiograph showed basilar streaky opacities in both lungs, a finding consistent with atypical pneumonia (Figure 5), and rales were noted in both lungs on auscultation.