" He has, however, retained some degree of self-respect, " he continued, disregarding my remonstrance.
" 可是不管怎么样,他还保持着一定程度的自尊," 他没有理睬我的反对而继续说下去。
Not reasoning; not remonstrance; not entreaty wilt thou hearken to; all this thou scornest.
Mercedes continually fluttered in the way of her men and kept up an unbroken chattering of remonstrance and advice.
Brigida at last accepted the gift after a great many remonstrances.
经过多次劝阻, 布里吉达终于接受了这份礼。
So far as words were concerned, Julien answered these new remonstrances very well.
就言词而言, 于连很好地回答了这些新的劝告。
Ireton, Fairfax and Cromwell were provoked into action when Parliament refused to discuss Ireton's 'Remonstrance'.
Passepartout, desirous of respecting the gentleman whom he served, ventured a mild remonstrance on such conduct;which, being ill-received, he took his leave.
The auctioneer burst out in deep remonstrance.
。 拍卖师发出深深的抗议。
Dorothea quietly persisted in spite of remonstrance and persuasion.
My prayers and remonstrances were vain.
" Oh, why" ? said Sir James, in a tender tone of remonstrance.
“哦为什么” ?詹姆爵士用温和的抗议语气说道。
I was so unwilling to see the look again, that I made no remonstrance against this tone.
Still, He was preparing to put in a remonstrance when an expressive look from Elvira stopped him short.
尽管如此,当埃韦拉表情丰富的表情阻止了他时, 他正准备提出抗议。
She stuck to her idea in spite of all her husband's protests and remonstrances.
她不顾丈夫的抗议和劝告, 坚持自己的想法。
She said the words in a tone so bitter, so hollow, that they stifled the remonstrances of my passion.
All their remonstrances could not prevail on him to alter it.
Arthur was past caring for remonstrances or exhortations; he only laughed, and laughed, and laughed without end.
Isabella, however, caught hold of one hand, Thorpe of the other, and remonstrances poured in from all three.
They would not listen to any sort of remonstrance, alleging that I could easily explain myself after being taken to jail.
他们不听任何劝告, 说我被抓进监狱后很容易解释。
I don't recollect anything in English history about Charles the Third, ' said the other in a tone of mild remonstrance.
我不记得英国历史上关于查理三世的任何事情, ” 另一个人用温和的抗议语气说道。