11.The chapter 2 focuses on the somatic function of the micronucleus during asexual reproduction and stomatogenesis in ciliated protozoan Pseudokeronopsis monilata.
12.RFID has the feature against reproduction, combined encryption, and securer data on ticket, document, certificate, and items, for the purpose of anti-counterfeiting.
13.All the seagrasses have horizontal rhizomes, and many species have vertical rhizomes.In some seagrass species, clonal reproduction, via apomict, was also observed.
14.After absorption, prulifloxacin is metabolised by esterases to ulifloxacin, which inhibits the formation of superhelix, cell division and reproduction by interfering the DNA toposomerase.
15.Based on the years experiences, the author summarized and provided the main criterion and technique measures for improved cytoplasmic male sterile monogerm hybrid sugarbeet of seed reproduction.
16.Economy can grow the general condition of reproduction on the rails continuously, it is the input quantity of every kinds of its discharge, must be more than sendout.
17.The imago period is from the early April to end of May.The reproduction belongs to amphigenesis, but it may happen female parthenogenesis.A female average egg number is 3975.
18.While the market value of a shiftable capital good may exceed its reproduction cost temporarily, the value of capital, in a particular location, can remain permanently below its reproduction cost.
19.Reproduction in lichens may be asexual by soredia (algal cells enclosed by fungal hyphae) or by sexual fungal spores, which can survive only if some algal cells are also present.