Papa never seems to be paying attention when Mummy's talking. He's always scribbling his music.
" Yes, please do, " said Professor Umbridge, scribbling on her clipboard.
"" said Harry, scribbling it down, " because...Venus is in the twelfth house."
" Right, " she said softly, scribbling on her clipboard once more.
" Of course you're not, " said Hermione absently, still scribbling away at her letter.
" Indeed! " whispered Professor Trelawney, scribbling keenly on the parchment perched upon her knees.
“是吗? ”特里劳妮教授低语,放膝上的羊纸上迅速写下一些什么。
Once in the cafe, Pia takes out her coloring book and starts scribbling.
到了咖啡厅, 出的图画本开始涂画。
Instead of scribbling out messily, I'm going to strike through just like you've seen here.
The eventual outcome of his diligent scribblings was the 1930 book Mathematical Climatology and the Astronomical Theory of Climatic Changes.
We all sat together for the test, scribbling furiously for three hours in our little blue books.
Scribbling notes, shopping lists or messages on the back of an envelope can still be useful, quick and portable.
'Here, ' she said, scribbling on it.
I could almost see him standing over the little table in the McLean house where Grant sat scribbling his terms.
Because you're always scribbling on all those scraps of paper, I started collecting them and then I had them bound.
I always see you scribbling stuff on that book.
He spent years scribbling poems and stories before turning to plays in earnest in his thirties.
他花了数年时间写诗和故事,然后 30 多岁时认真地转向戏剧。
Graffiti, or the act of writing or scribbling on public property, has been around for thousands of years.
涂鸦, 或公共财产上书写或涂鸦的行为,已经存了数千年。
This word clerk kind of makes me think of 1800s, England, people in a dark office scribbling down notes.
文员这个词让我想起了 1800 年代的英国,人们黑暗的办公室里潦草地记下笔记。
Indeed, they may find themselves slave to the scribbling of a different dead economist, Keynes's intellectual foe, Friedrich Hayek.
Step 5 Go ahead and doodle as the boss drones on. Research shows that scribbling when you're bored improves concentration and memory.