Snape turned back to face them, sneering.
This last with a sneering ring of triumph in it.
" Fighting, Potter, Weasley, Longbottom? " Snape said in his cold, sneering voice.
14 The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus.
14 法利赛人是贪爱钱财的、他们听见这一切话、就嗤笑耶稣。
Snape looked towards the giant hour-glasses on the walls and gave a sneering smile.
He stood with his hand on Draco's shoulder, sneering in just the same way.
" What's that Weasley's riding? " Malfoy called in his sneering drawl.
It was Mr. Malfoy. He stood with his hand on Draco’s shoulder, sneering in just the same way.
" Monsieur Robineau is back, mademoiselle, " said the former with sneering politeness.
His expression was one of sneering pride.
Beaufort was saying in his loud sneering voice as Archer entered.
阿切尔进来时, 博福用他那响亮的冷笑声说道。
" Excuse me, " said Malfoy in a sneering voice, " but what exactly are we supposed to be seeing? "
" I mean look at their boat, sir, " continued the sneering Snotlout.
" 我是说,他们的船,先生," 鼻涕虫嘲讽地继续说。
" Unless you're afraid of the outcome, husband? " Hera said, sneering.
The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus.
These young detectives of the school of Giraud, they are all alike — rude, sneering fellows.
吉罗学派的这些年轻侦探, 他们都是一样的——粗鲁、冷嘲热讽的家伙。
The voice on the phone had a sneering, angry sound, and it was speaking in gargled words.
" Then why didn't he leave the room? Why sit wriggling and sneering and spoiling everyone's pleasure" ?
“那他为什么不离开房间?为什么坐扭来扭去冷笑破坏大家的兴致” ?
" You will notice, " said Snape, in his low, in his low sneering voice, " that we have a guest with us today."
" No? " said Malfoy, and Harry knew, just by his tone, that Malfoy was sneering. " Perhaps this will make you more confident."