A young boy touched a straggling wire and was killed instantly.
He looked a little mad, with his straggling black hair flying around him.
Viktor Krum was walking side by side with Karkaroff, and the other Durmstrang students were straggling along behind them.
Soon, the crowd of gnomes in the field started walking away in a straggling line, their little shoulders hunched.
Right across the enormous plain stretched the straggling array, wagons and carts, men on horseback, and men on foot.
There was no mistaking that tall, angular, straggling figure.
His hands were unwashed, his few straggling locks uncombed.
他手没有洗过, 几缕散发也没有梳理。
The other towns were straggling villages.
He sat in deep thought, his gaunt hand tugging at his straggling beard.
他坐那儿陷入沉思, 憔悴手揪着七八糟胡须。
Where the first straggling line of shops began, she stopped and held out her hand.
第一排散商店开始地方, 她停下来伸出手。
Two hundred yards away a spur of the jungle ran close to the straggling town.
She sat down while the coolies, straggling in one by one, brought in their loads.
He sat slouched in the saddle, a thick, rough-looking man with an unkempt black beard straggling over his unbuttoned blue jacket.
Poggibonsi was revealed to her as they sang—a joyless, straggling place, full of people who pretended.
当他们唱歌时, 波吉邦西向她展示了——一个没有乐趣、散地方, 到处都是假装人。
The girl was alone; lying with her head upon the table, and her hair straggling over it.
It was with difficulty that you traversed the galleries on the ground floor, obstructed by straggling chairs.
你很难穿过一楼画廊, 被七八糟椅子挡住了。
The thready mass was the hair of the head—long and straggling, showing that the head was a woman's.
那团丝状东西就是上发——又长又, 表明这是一个女人。
Chimney swallows were darting swiftly across the yard, and chickens, ducks and turkeys were waddling and strutting and straggling in from the fields.
The coolies, curious to watch a Christian burial, had lingered and now in a straggling group, their yokes trailing in their hands, sauntered off.
苦力好奇地想观看一场基督教葬礼,一直逗留着, 现散成一团,手里拖着轭,散开了。
From its peculiar position, in loose, straggling parties, it seems to have been derived from the Basin ranges to the eastward, where it is abundant.