| 划词

1.18(17) Inflorescence subtended by a broad, 2-keeled prophyll; rachilla internodes usually distinct and disarticulating.



2.In the daisy family the numerous bracts which subtend the inflorescence are known as an involucre.




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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

1.And mathematically, you can express that in terms of how much that object subtends.

从数学 上讲,您可以用该对象对程度来表达这一点

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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

2.An object is said to subtend a certain angle of your vision based on how close you are to it, and how big it is.

根据您 与它接近程度以及它,据说一个物体着您视野某个度。

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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

3.But when you look at the leaf through the lens, the virtual image is larger than the actual object, so it subtends six degrees of your vision.

但是当你通过镜头看 ,虚像比实际物体, 所以它视线六度。

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Crash Course 综合篇

4.So if you look at our tiny leaf, it may subtend only two degrees of your vision when it’s at your near point – say, 25 centimeters away.

所以如果你看着我们子,当它在你近点——比如 25 厘米远——,它可能只你两度视线。机翻

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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

5.In order to find the magnifying power of the lens, you just divide the angle subtended by the virtual image by the angle subtended by your unaided eye.

为了求出镜片倍率 ,只需用虚 像对除以肉眼对

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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

6.So if you look at our tiny leaf, it may subtend only two degrees of your vision when it's at your near point – say, 25 centimeters away. .

因此,如果您看我们子, 当它在您近点(例如 25 厘米远),它可能只视线两度。

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Crash Course 综合篇

7.And the newly subtended angle is the amount that the object subtends when viewed through the eyepiece – the angle between your eye and the rays from the eyepiece.


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Crash Course 综合篇

8.For example, if you’re looking up at the moon, and you cover it with your thumb, then your thumb and the moon are both subtending the same angle to your eye, which we measure in degrees.


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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

9.For example, if you're looking up at the moon, and you cover it with your thumb, then your thumb and the moon are both subtending the same angle to your eye, which we measure in degrees.


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