Celion Dion hit the jackpot by singing the theme song of Titanic.
What theme song is perfect for the runway?
The Friends theme song because those were royalties.
It'll sound great in a theme song.
And the theme song is really good. - So good.
It was kinda like my theme song when I was younger.
I knew it was wrong, but listen to that seductive theme song.
As the show's jingly theme song played, the three took their stools.
Do you remember his old theme song? Of course I do.
You have to choose a theme song to describe your life, what would it be?
" Wanted Dead or Alive." It's our theme song. It'll be a blast.
" Wanted Dead or Alive" 那是我们主啊。肯定会很拉轰。
It was originally the main theme song of the movie Children of Troubled Times, 1935.
《义勇军进行》最初是 电影《风云儿女》(1935 年)主歌。
If Austin Carter had to pick a theme song, it would probably be " Ice Ice Baby."
如果Austin Carter必须选择一首主,那可能就是" Ice Ice Baby" 了。
They can recognize the theme songs to Family Ties, Rugrats and other popular shows of the 80s and 90s.
他们可以认得出《Family Ties》《Rugrats》等 80 90 年代经典电视节目主。
It's called She's A Bad Mama Jama and I feel like this is the theme song of my life.
名字是“She's A Bad Mama Jama”,我感觉这首歌有点我人生主味道。
You were just singing the theme song.
- 你只是在唱主。
[Interviewer] What theme song is perfect for the runway?
- [采访者] 什么主最适合跑道?
Our theme song is by Luke Reynolds.
我们主由 Luke Reynolds 演唱。
Didn't know the TV show theme song, and Dan knew it.
凡妮:不知道电视节目主, 但丹知道。
A silly show, and Dan was embarrassed that he knew the theme song.
凡妮:一个愚蠢节目, 丹很尴尬,因为他知道主。
A " theme song" is a song used at the beginning of the show.