They are in thrall not to John Maynard Keynes, sage of the Depression, but to his Cambridge contemporary, Frank Ramsey, a precocious polymath who made his contributions in the prelapsarian 1920s.
As the 1980s dawned, not just the general public but scientists too were in thrall to the then dominant idea in both cinema and literature that life abounded beyond our planet.
In this sylvan sanctum, where serendipity had bestowed its grace, he would unfold the tapestry of an enigmatic festival that held his homeland in thrall, the illustrious Bonfire Night.
One recent paper suggests that, having previously been controlled in large part by the winds, the sea ice is now coming under the thrall of steadily warming waters below the surface.
He is afraid to dismount, lest he get his boots wet. " I have the god's work to do" . Aeron Greyjoy was a prophet. He did not suffer petty lords ordering him about like some thrall.