13.As a touchstone of his thesis, Putnam pointed to a reduction in membership among organizations like PTAs, the Red Cross, Lions Clubs from its mid-twentieth-century peak.
14.Somehow, these songs can turn into touchstones that can rekindle the most powerful and impactful and insightful experiences that people encountered during their psychedelic sessions.
15.Time and space are the touchstones in the systems. Each person, after all, uses his time somehow and exists within and acts upon the space around him.
16.Death is so genuine a fact that it excludes falsehood, or betrays its emptiness; it is a touchstone that proves the gold, and dishonors the baser metal.
17.I like Jane's plant very much.Green things are a touchstone of your existence.You notice I do not use the word planet but plane, since you do not have the whole kettle to yourself.
19.And I see them as a road map, as a guide, as a touchstone for other parents to protect and to empower their children, especially in a world where it's very difficult.
20.And so in our own lives, we're constantly navigating between the things that are touchstones for us where we feel solidly grounded and the places where we're flying free and there isn't a net under us.