12.Educational property rights has the attributes of exclusiveness and responsibility, limitedness, transaction, decomposition and entireness and behavior.
13.The transaction saidthat, the 22nd middle rate establishes too high, because the globalmarket deficiently pushes the high US dollar significant strength.
15.Included in the transaction are three nonflying TP-3A aircraft to used as airframe spares and extra T-56 engines to support the 12 flyable aircraft.
16.In newly arisen on-line transaction mode, various rights of consumer are violated most easily, because of the distemperedness of the homologous legal protection institution.
17.The state could charge heftily for acting as lender of last resort—or, less desirable, impose a windfall tax on bank profits or a “Tobin tax” on transactions.
18.Considerable attention has been given to imperfections of information and of competition, to transaction costs, indivisibilities, and increasing returns, and to some of the relations among these.