5.To those whose fanciful interpretation of the phenomena remains uncritical, the chimps give an appearance of making statements and of responding to human questions.
6." The confirmatory bias of System 1" , he says, in short, " favors uncritical acceptance of suggestions and exaggerations of the likelihood of extreme and improbable events."
7.His mind at this period was curiously uncritical; when he accepted a moral ideal he swallowed it whole without stopping to think whether it was quite digestible.
8.However, Goncharov's negative opinion of the Dutch civilizational achievements in southern Africa relative to the British ones was deemed biased and uncritical due to the author's reliance on British sources.
9.Leon Clarke, who helped author reports for the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, isn't an uncritical supporter of nuclear energy, but says it's a valuable option to have if we' re serious about reaching carbon neutrality.
10.Mother and daughter adored each other and revered their son and brother; and Archer loved them with a tenderness made compunctious and uncritical by the sense of their exaggerated admiration, and by his secret satisfaction in it.