1.When Britain ruled India, the British King was represented there by a viceroy.
18.The fifth of the measures was the Quebec Act, which granted religious toleration to the Catholics in Canada, extended the boundaries of Quebec southward to the Ohio River, and established, in this western region, government by a viceroy.
第五个措施是魁北克法案,该法案给予加拿大天主教徒宗教宽容, 将魁北克的边界向南延伸至俄亥俄河,并在西部地区建立总督政府。机翻
19.Evidence suggests that many of the Nubian elite (former viceroys with their armies) quickly gathered followers and started their own states by grabbing control of an area. Without the Egyptian influence and organization, these successor states fell into disarray.
有证据表明, 许多努比亚英(前任总督及其军队)迅速聚集了追随者,并通过控制一个地区建立了自己的国家。没有
及的影响和组织, 这些继承国陷入混乱。机翻