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BBC 阅读精选

1.Many experts expect the winnowing of these currents to eventually bury the Titanic wreckage in sediment.


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向前一步(Lean In)

2.There are so many reasons for this winnowing out, but one important contributor is a leadership ambition gap.


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3.And much of this winnowing takes place during sleep, as two papers in this week's Nature Neuroscience observe.



4.The fowls of heaven, tamed by the cruel season, crowd around the winnowing store, and claim the little boon which Providence assigns them.

天寒地冻,繁重活计下煎熬;群鸟麇集,黑压压蜂拥飞来,粮仓屋前,饥饿难耐地寻找, 麸皮翻飞,悲悯众生的回报。

24 Jeremiah 配乐圣经剧版-NIV

5.I will winnow them with a winnowing fork at the city gates of the land. I will bring bereavement and destruction on my people, for they have not changed their ways.

在境内各城门口(或作" 在这地边界的关口" )用簸箕簸了的百姓,使他们丧掉儿女。毁灭他们,他们仍不转离所行的道。

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but why

6.This is our roasting and winnowing room here. We have a big roaster. That's about -- it can hold 400 pounds of cocoa beans in this roaster -- and it's about twice my height, about 10 feet tall.

这是们这里的烘烤和风选室。 们有一个大烤炉。大约——这个烘烤器可以容纳 400 磅可可豆——它大约是的两倍,大约 10 英尺机翻

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TED演讲(视频版) 2020年4月合集

7.This winnowing effect together with a strong cultural predilection for marrying and reproducing only within the Ashkenazi community, would have amplified the relative frequency of carriers, boosting TB resistance but increasing the incidence of Tay-Sachs as an unfortunate side effect.

这种风选效应加上仅在德系犹太人社区内结婚和生育的强烈文化偏好, 会增加携带者的相对频率,增强结核病抵抗力, 但不幸的副作用是会增加泰-萨克斯病的发病率。机翻

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electrodiffusion, electrodisintegration, electrodispersion, electro-dissociation, electrodissolution, electrodissolver, electrodrill, electroduct, electroduster, electrodynamic,


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