Bernadette was a small, wiry woman.
He could remake it, relaunch it, liven it up, pouring all his wiry energy into it.
Speaking of undergrowth, why does downstairs hair feel coarse and wiry–same as facial hair and armpit hair.
For example, many Alpine plants have tough wiry branches with a dense biomass at the tip to reduce wind weathering.
His wiry constitution and his determined will were working wonders.
I don't know but the wiry ones are the best after all.
Suddenly, a young man, small and wiry, managed to scramble up the pole.
He took his foot off my running board and rumpled his wiry hair.
他把脚从我的踏板上移开, 揉乱了他刚硬的头。
The cold weather wilted wiry willow.
He was short and wiry, with a graying flattop and a goatee.
他又矮又结实, 头灰白,留着山羊胡子。
They tried to lure using a white wrapped in a cage hoping he gets trapped in the wiry filaments on top.
Then my friend's wiry arms were round me, and he was leading me to a chair.
然后我朋友结实的手臂搂住了我, 领着我坐到椅子上。
If you had been a puny, wiry, yellow baby, I wouldn't have stood godmother to you.
如果你是一个瘦小、结实、黄色的婴儿, 我就不会当你的教母了。
The men were wiry, brandishing obscure and expensive sports layers that boasted extra 'wicking' properties, or lighter-than-air bodyweights.
这些男人身材魁梧, 挥舞着不起眼且昂贵的运动服, 这些运动服拥有额外的“芯吸”特性,或者比空气更轻的体重。
I'm usually wary when I walk alone at night or I'm usually wiry when I walk alone at night?
我晚上一个人走路时通常很警惕, 或者我晚上一个人走路时通常很结实?
" The long-legged one, unless they're going to have several heats, and then the little wiry one may win" .
Well, someone who is " wiry" (wiry) is someone who is very skinny, very slim, but also is powerful – is strong.
好吧,“wiry” (有线)的人是非常瘦、非常苗条,但也很有力量的人——很强壮。
He reached up to brush his hair out of his eyes and met only the short growth of wiry bristles, low on his forehead.
A shrewd, wiry Scotsman, who seemed to repel intimacy, Bennett looked around at the world with a squinty glare of suspicion.
一个精明、精明的苏格兰人,似乎排斥亲密关系,Bennett 用怀疑的眼光环视着这个世界。
He was slightly built but not delicate in appearance; on the contrary I should have said he was wiry and resistant.
他身材瘦削, 但外表并不精致; 相反,我应该说他是个结实而有抵抗力的人。
He had a very square face whose sharp angles were accentuated by short, wiry black hair, cut en brosse and without side-whiskers.
他有一张方方正正的脸, 棱角分明的棱角被黑色的短衬托得更加明显,头剪成棕色, 没有胡须。