We were all so excited about destroying Justine, and our shaming brains are so simple-minded, that we couldn't also handle destroying somebody who was inappropriately destroying Justine.
He now returned with feverish desperation to his study for the priesthood-in the recognition that the single-mindedness of his aims, and his fidelity to the cause, had been more than questionable of late.
Though perfectly worldly-wise, and able, as she expressed it, to take care of herself, there was yet something curiously ingenuous in her single-minded attitude towards life, and her whole-hearted determination to " make good" .
He checked the scorn on his tongue by a visible effort because it did not take a Guild navigator's single- minded focus on the main chance to see the immediate future out on that plain.
The baker had to tell of Heidi's arrival with the strange gentleman, and assured all the people that Heidi loved her grandfather with all her heart, let the people say what they would about him.