This is a fabulous sum of money.
We don’t exactly get paid a king’s ransom in this job.
The kidnappers wanted a huge sum – around $10m.
Not a huge amount of money, but it's the first payment of its kind.
I did, Neil. And I spent a small fortune – and that means a lot of money!
But that didn't stop them from soliciting a hefty sum for their new library 30 years later.
$35,000 was an enormous sum in 1958, and the commission would bring Rothko's left-wing views into conflict.
That's a huge amount of money, an absolutely astounding amount of money.
Not tipping waiters, that's a huge one.
- 不给服务员小费,那笔巨款。
I think it paid $2.90 an hour, which I considered a fortune.
我认为它每小时支付 2.90 美元,我认为笔巨款。
An enormous sum, " he said, looking at the children and watching them laugh. "
笔巨款,” 他说,看着孩子们, 看着他们笑。
$12,000. Now for a rural woman in India, that is a massive sum of money.
12,000 美元。对于印度农村妇女来说,笔巨款。
With merit payments and TV rights, that's a huge windfall.
凭借成绩奖赏和电视播放权 那可笔巨款。
But what if it was a truly incredible sum? What if you had $1tn to spend, and a year to do it?
It's just a crazy amount of money to be paying for broadband because that protected period ran out.
支付宽带费用简直笔巨款, 因为保护期已过。
I was rather afraid of stating it, for it sounded a large sum. " Nine hundred pounds" .
我不敢说出来,因为听起来笔巨款。 “九百磅”。
" Thir-ty thousand dollars" ! the song went on and on. A vast sum, an unthinkable sum!
“三万元” !首歌直唱下去。笔巨款,不可思议笔钱!
A hefty sum for what so far feels more like a grad show by someone really into copper.
And so it actually bought back Grail for $8bn and that was a huge sum in 2020.
因此,它实际上以80亿美元价格回购了圣杯, 在2020年笔巨款。
The cash prize of $100 (a huge sum in those days) was an irresistible challenge to Annie.
100 美元现金奖励(在当时笔巨款)对安妮来说个无法抗拒挑战。
The fact that they're paying $392mn, to them to Google, that's not a huge amount of money.
事实上,他们向谷歌支付了 3. 92 亿美元, 并不笔巨款。
The total cost will be around $3.5 billion, a huge sum for a single developer in a relatively poor city.