With the accompaniment of the heptachord, the poems sounded beautiful and fascinating and were greatly popular with people.
Amazingly, Aristotle actually has a passage where he says, look, if we had fully automated weaving machines and plectrums that could pluck the lyre and produce music without any humans, then we wouldn't need any workers.
In Tatiana Markovna's sitting-room stood an old-fashioned carved bureau with a mirror, urns, lyres, and genii. But she had hung up the mirror, because she said it was a hindrance to writing when you stared at your own stupid face.
塔蒂亚娜·马尔科夫娜 (Tatiana Markovna) 的起居室里放着一个老式的雕刻柜,里面有镜子、骨灰盒、七弦琴和精灵。但她挂了镜子,因为她说盯着自己的傻脸看是写字的障碍。