Make that time sacred and untouchable — schedule meetings and social outings before or after that time block but give priority to your allotted reading time.
The vividly pictured hand on Rosemary's cheek, the quicker breath, the white excitement of the event viewed from outside, the inviolable secret warmth within.
We know how religiously they are observed in Europe, more particularly where the Christian doctrine is received, among whom they are sacred and inviolable!
So even once the majority is in charge, the majority can't violate your inalienable rights, can't violate your fundamental right to life, liberty, and property.
While the mediums of creation might shift, the core essence of art — as a reflection of humanity's myriad emotions, stories, and aspirations — remains sacrosanct.
CHRIS QUINN: But there was a longstanding feeling that we're the first version of history, and that these archives are sacrosanct and you would never change them.
In the 20th century, the news was produced professionally. When news happened, the reporters wrote the stories and a tiny group of people decided what appeared in a newspaper or broadcast.