Nobody was keen to take on such a thankless task.
You can see problems that aren't appear in a double-spaced Courier typescript. ( Yes, you could do this in the old days on galley proofs, but that was an expensive luxury for most writers).
It is the least taxing temperature for the body to regulate its own temperature.
Although I chose challenging courses, I was used to coasting toward As.
That's just more work for you and also fewer points for you.
As you saw, I discovered a thorn which had been driven or shot with no great force into the scalp.
They promise to increase your walking speed by 250% with no additional effort.
他们承诺在不额外费力的情况下将你的行走速度提高 250%。
It is always yours to give, even though you never have to acquire it.
It's a lot of hard work, not being yourself.
You don't have to try so hard. You don't have to give it all away.
Blame is cheap and fast: " It was Nigel" takes one second to say and has the ring of truth.
The bear could have pulled a door off a car with ease or crushed a steel drum like a tin can.
You don't have to try so hard. You don't have to bend until you break.
你不需要这么费力地讨好别人.你不必牺牲自我, 苦苦支撑.
An adult conger eel can easily bite through a man’s leg.
A year later, Grandma was almost 80 years old and she had no trouble walking anymore.
一年后,外婆快80岁了, 走路也不费力了。
In Taoism, there is a concept known as Wu Wei, which translates into non-doing or effortless action.
道教中有一个概念称为“无为” ,意思是无为或不费力的行动。
Albertosaurus is a more primitive Tyrannosaurus, so that for a scientist, we can actually distinguish them without any trouble what so ever.
Other playwrights twist themselves into knots trying to observe the unities, but Racine makes it look easy.
为了遵循一致性 其他剧作家绞尽脑汁 但拉辛却把这点变得看起来不那么地费力。
1 Use your legs. Over 25% of car journeys are under two miles - short journeys we could easily walk or cycle.
1 使用你的双腿。25%的汽车行程都在2英里内-短程我们可以不费力地步行或骑车。
Soylent has found a place among American workaholics who resent the cost and hassle of preparing regular meals.
Why try to be the world's policeman if it is not just a thankless task, but a hopeless one?
Those kids aren't that great. - Felix, come back!
他们又不可爱 -费力克斯 回来!