Isopropyl cinnamylate was synthesized by the esterifiestion of isopropyl alcohol with cinnamic acid in the presence of potassium bisulfate monohydrate.
The content of free acetic acid in cigarette smoke condensates was determined by GC-MS with isopropyl alcohol as the solvent and nonanol as the internal standard.
Two kinds of products can be obtained in the addition reaction of benzaldoxime with propinol, in which 3-hydroxymethyl-dihydroisoxazol is the main product when reaction equilibrium is reached.
Usually, markers use ethanol, which is the kind of alcohol people drink, or isopropanol—aka rubbing alcohol—because they evaporate quickly, which means it's harder to accidentally smudge whatever you've just written.
11.An 'artificial leaf' powered by sunlight has been developed by the University of Cambridge scientists, converting CO2 and water into ethanol and propanol, providing clean, car-ready liquid fuels.