9.Main ingredients of Epimedium are flavonoids, phenolic glycosides, polysaccharides, chromone, alkaloids.But mainly research concentrated in flavonoid.
11.This article has reviewed the formation and composition of milk protein pellicles, including casein, whey protein, minerals and proteose-peptones.Th...
15.Olive oil has very high nutritional value,its main components are saponifiable substance and non-saponifiable substance,the percentage of saponifiable substance is 98.
16.In this paper, the PVA of major component in the Sensitized emulsion was modified by the polyreaction with formaldehyde, butyl aldehyde, furfural and alcohol.
17.Results Forty-seven components were identified and Caryophyllene oxide, Spathulenol, Cyclododecane and Dodecanoic acid were found to be the major components of the essential oils.
18.Nutritional Effects: the main ingredients of pungent taste in ginger include zingerone, ginger alcohol and ginger hydroxybenzene which are volatile to some extend.
19.Rhein,a main constituent of rhubarb, is a well-characterized anti-inflammatory agent with recognized utility in a range of inflammatory diseases such as ostarthritis, diabetic nephropathy etc.
20.The oils were analyzed by GC-MS and percentages were obtained by normalized peak areas, where main components are nootkatone, D-limonene, osthole, cis-linaloloxide, furfural, and trans.