In the early 2000s, vaccines known as bivalent oral vaccines were developed to target only PV1 and PV3 because of the drop in circulation of the PV2 strain.
The administration, they've had to borrow, beg and steal money from different programmes to actually be able to purchase the new bivalent boosters from Pfizer and Moderna.
政府, 他们不得不从不同项目中借钱、乞讨和窃取资金, 才能真正从辉瑞和 Moderna 购买新二价助推器。
The new bivalent booster protects you against both the original SARS-CoV-2 strain and Omicron's BA. 4 and BA. 5 subvariants, and it's likely to provide some protection against the newer variants too.