Edward Hirsch successfully and skillfully uses many language devices in his love poem“REGRET”including figurative languages, sppech styles, enjambment, metaphors, images, oxymoron, and chiasmus.
This means that the way in which denture teeth occlude must be seen dynamically, and not just as a static relationship when in maximum interdigitation.
The malignant cells of this hepatocellular carcinoma (seen mostly on the right) are well differentiated and interdigitate with normal, larger hepatocytes (seen mostly at the left).
Type I depressor septi muscles(62%) are visible and identifiable, and can be traced to full interdigitation with the orbicularis oris from their origin at the medial crural footplate.
In order to achieve the fabrication of noninvolute beveloid gears with crossed axes by using the existing machine tools, the tooth profile errors and axial errors should be studied.