U-Shape pillow designs based on the curve of human's head and neck and it is suitable for this part when having a resupine sleeping.
Those with neurodegenerative disease spent nearly twice as much time on their backs while sleeping.
It tipped its head to examine the supine flesh.
All right, can you show me the perfect sit up?
This has been found to be more common in people who consistently sleep on their backs.
The three weeks he spent on his back this time seemed an entire age.
What was interesting about this paper is that none of the positions he's presented show people sleeping on their backs.
But, uh, before I take my shirt off, I just need like ten minutes to do some crunches.
It is common practice for Buddhist monks to sleep upright.
It's perfectly safe to float normally, reclining on your back with your head held above the seawater.
They found that orangutans spent 3 times more of their sleeping time on their sides than they did on their backs.
研究发现猩猩侧卧睡眠时间是仰卧睡眠 3 倍。
I lay on my back and looked up at the stars.
[Interviewer] All right, can you show me the perfect sit up?
- [采访者] 好吧,你能告诉我完美仰卧起坐吗?
In terms of just general strength, I think pushups are great, sit-ups, planks, squats are fantastic to throw in.
That will convince the stupid, stupid supine elevator that you have just—someone has just entered the elevator, and now it will close.
Controls spent around 30% of their sleep on their backs, those with NDD spent around 50% of their sleep on their backs.
控制组约用30%时间仰卧睡眠,而 NDD 患者则会花近一半时间来仰卧睡眠。
He certainly would not have recognised Passepartout in the eccentric mountebank's costume;but the latter, lying on his back, perceived his master in the gallery.
Mr Hazare, who has himself lost 6kg, is prone on a platform nearby, framed by a huge poster of Mahatma Gandhi, whose methods he has adopted.
But so holy was the saint that she never picked her mother up, but lay upon her back through all, and thus assured her throne in Paradise.
但这位圣人是如此圣洁, 以至于她从来没有抱起她母亲, 而是始终仰卧在她背上, 从而确保了她在天堂宝座。
They found that during their time in bed, people spent just over half their time on their sides, around 38% on their backs and 7% on their fronts.
So holy was she that all her life she lay upon her back in the house of her mother, refusing to eat, refusing to play, refusing to work.
她是如此圣洁, 以至于她一生都仰卧在她母亲房子里, 拒绝进食,拒绝玩耍,拒绝工作。