Quentin Pan was the famous eugenicist in modern China.He did not argue simply against Marry-early,Intermarry and Same surname marry as some scholars declared.
If morality is merely a matter of choice, Hitler could claim to be moral by his own eugenically inspired standards, and all the atheist can do is make a personal choice to live by different lights.
Under the influence of eugenics, scientists used the results of the military initiative to make erroneous claims that certain racial groups were intellectually superior to others.
Another absolutely ridiculous belief running rampant the 1920s was something called eugenics, the idea that we should control the genetic traits passed down in society.
As a believer in eugenics – the principle that we can be improved by controlled breeding and modifying the body – he started off at the prison by sterilizing all the men he
Between the 1880s and early 1900s, a subgroup of eugenicists in the United States rejected these ideas and thought that a mother's mental state during pregnancy would be permanently imprinted on her child.