14.With this idea in her head, she hailed an approaching omnibus with such a hasty gesture that the daisies flew out of the pot and were badly damaged.
15.Ginny had just emerged from the crowd, clutching a squirming Crookshanks, " Thanks, " said Hermione, relieving Ginny of the cat. " Come on, let's get a carriage together before they all fill up..."
16.The horse-drawn stagecoaches and carts of the 18th century, which carried very few people and goods, and travelled slowly along poorly surfaced roads, were gradually replaced by the numerous canals that were constructed.
17.As the omnibus contained only one other passenger, a sleepy old lady, Amy pocketed her veil and beguiled the tedium of the way by trying to find out where all her money had gone to.
18.The girl then turned towards the House of the Seven Gables, to the door of which, meanwhile, —not the shop-door, but the antique portal, —the omnibus-man had carried a light trunk and a bandbox.
19.He had hardly gone ten steps in the street, before a passing omnibus stopped close by him, and a man got down, and came up to him, touching his hat as he did so.
20.Mark Twain, in Roughing It, a book that many people don't know about—but I highly recommend to anybody of any age to read it. He and his brother crossed the United States in a stagecoach. How romantic can you get?