But everybody must live; where would they all be if, under the pretext of conducing to the general welfare, the consumer was fattened at the expense of the producer?
His mares would bear triplets, his hens laid twicea day, and his hogs fattened with such speed that no one could explain such disorderly fecundity except through the use of black magic.
The rich do not breed cattle as they do sheep, but buy them lean and at low prices; and, after they have fattened them on their grounds, sell them again at high rates.
They were fattened with Maslin, and aromatic herbs to give their flesh a better flavor and still to this day Chapon du Mans capons from Le Mans are served at Christmas dinners all over France.
人们用马斯林和芳香草本植物将它们养肥,以使其肉质更加美味,至今,勒芒的 Chapon du Mans 阉仍然是法国各地圣诞晚宴上的菜肴。
Among other things the law forbade the fattening of chickens because it was seen as a waste of grain so some enterprising young poulterer's instead castrated their roosters because that made them grow quite a bit larger.
Hansel, however, stretched out a little bone to her, and the old woman, who had dim eyes, could not see it, and thought it was Hansel's finger, and was astonished that there was no way of fattening him.