Simultaneously, model of monopoly-as-seller andmodel of share's intrinsic value determination with finitary holdingperiod are integrated into securities investment analysis.
Once he is full of passion,the Cruelties and Hardships that he faced will exchanged something unbodied,something inside,that is A powerful Power in his heart!
Franz Brentano and Wilhelm Windelband separately hold psychologism and anti-psychologism in their value thoughts, which shows that some psychology foundation is necessary to axiology.
The unsupported and unpressurized hose shall be capable of being formed to an inner radius of ten times the internal diameter of the hose without visible kinking.
A little voice - call it your conscience,your inner self, or your internal mother - inlaw-will aways tell you the truth if you are prepared to hear it.
Although what Wangxiaoni want to convey is hard to explain in words, but I still take pains to elaborate on it.It is just this kind of inexplicability forms the interna characteristic of her poetry.