After the devastating attack on its military bases, the country was determined not to be caught with its pants down a second time.
Israel Defense forces are continuing their bombardment and invasion of Gaza, saying one of their intentions is to destroy the infrastructure that allows Hamas, the militant fundamentalist Islamic Organization, to launch its attacks.
The influential cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, issued a statement calling on the government to " submit a protest note to the United Nations and the Iranian ambassador" and to ask for guarantees that such an attack would not be repeated in the future.
颇具影响力的神职人员穆克塔达·萨德尔发表了一份声明,呼吁政府" 向联合国和伊朗大使提交一份抗议函件" ,并要求们保证今后会再发生这样的袭击。